In this series, we discuss how to integrate Python Kafka producer and consumer apps In AWS Lambda with the Glue Schema Registry. In part 1, we discuss the infrastructure and Kafka apps in detail. In this post, these apps are deployed and their behaviour is discussed.
- Part 1 – Develop Kafka Producer and Consumer Apps
- Part 2 – Deploy Kafka Apps (this post)
Fake online order data is generated by multiple Lambda functions that are invoked by an EventBridge schedule rule. The schedule is set to run every minute and the associating rule has a configurable number (e.g. 5) of targets. Each target points to the same Kafka producer Lambda function. In this way we are able to generate test data using multiple Lambda functions according to the desired volume of messages. Note that, before sending a message, the producer validates the schema and registers a new one if it is not registered yet. Then it serializes the message and sends it to the cluster.
Once messages are sent to a Kafka topic, they can be consumed by Lambda where Amazon MSK is configured as an event source. The serialized record (message key or value) includes the schema ID so that the consumer can request the schema from the schema registry (if not cached) in order to deserialize it.
The infrastructure is built by Terraform and the AWS SAM CLI is used to develop the producer Lambda function locally before deploying to AWS.

Schema Evolution Demo
Before testing the Kafka applications, I’ll quickly demonstrate how the schema registry can be used for managing and validating schemas for topic message data. Each schema can have a compatibility mode (or disabled) and the scope of changes is restricted by it. For example, the default BACKWARD mode only allows you to delete fields or add optional fields. (See the Confluent document for a quick summary.) Therefore, if we add a mandatory field to an existing schema, it will be not validated, and it fails to send a message to the topic. In order to illustrate it, I created a single node Kafka cluster using docker-compose as shown below.
# glue-schema-registry/compose-demo.yml |
Recall that the producer lambda handler has a conditional block, and it is executed when it is called as a script. If we don’t specify the environment variable of USE_MORE, it sends a messages based on the Order
class. Otherwise, a message is created from the OrderMore
class, which has an additional boolean attribute called is_prime. As the compatibility mode is set to be BACKWARD, we can expect the second round of execution will not be successful. As shown below, I executed the lambda handler twice and the second round failed with the following error, which indicates schema validation failure.
aws_schema_registry.exception.SchemaRegistryException: Schema Found but status is FAILURE
export BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:9093 |
We can see the details from the schema version and the second version is marked as failed.
Note that schema versioning and validation would be more relevant to the clients that tightly link the schema and message records. However, it would still be important for a Python client in order to work together with those clients or Kafka connect.
Topic Creation
We plan to create the orders topic with multiple partitions. Although we can use the Kafka CLI tool, it can be performed easily using Kpow. It is a Kafka monitoring and management tool, which provides a web UI. Also, it supports the Glue Schema Registry and MSK Connect out-of-box, which is quite convenient. In the docker-compose file, we added environment variables for the MSK cluster, MSK Connect and Glue Schema Registry details. Note it fails to start if the schema registry does not exist. I created the registry while I demonstrated schema evolution, or it can be created simply as shown below.
$ aws glue create-registry --registry-name customer
# glue-schema-registry/docker-compose.yml |
Once started, we can visit the UI on port 3000. The topic is created in the Topic menu by specifying the topic name and the number of partitions.
Once created, we can check details of the topic by selecting the topic from the drop-down menu.
Local Testing with SAM
To simplify development, the EventBridge permission is disabled by setting to_enable_trigger to false. Also, it is shortened to loop before it gets stopped by reducing max_run_sec to 10.
# glue-schema-registry/app/ |
The Lambda function can be built with the SAM build command while specifying the hook name as terraform and enabling beta features. Once completed, it stores the build artifacts and template in the .aws-sam
$ sam build –hook-name terraform –beta-features |
We can invoke the Lambda function locally using the SAM local invoke command. The Lambda function is invoked in a Docker container and the invocation logs are printed in the terminal as shown below. Note that we should be connected to the VPN server in order to send messages into the MSK cluster, which is deployed in private subnets.
$ sam local invoke –hook-name terraform module.kafka_producer_lambda.aws_lambda_function.this[0] –beta-features |
Once completed, we can check the value schema (orders-value) is created in the Kpow UI as shown below.
We can check the messages. In order to check them correctly, we need to select AVRO as the value deserializer and glue1 as the schema registry.
Kafka App Deployment
Now we can deploy the Kafka applications using Terraform as usual after resetting the configuration variables. Once deployed, we can see that the scheduler rule has 5 targets of the same Lambda function.
We can see the Lambda consumer parses the consumer records correctly in CloudWatch logs.
Schema registry provides a centralized repository for managing and validating schemas for topic message data. In AWS, the Glue Schema Registry supports features to manage and enforce schemas on data streaming applications using convenient integrations with a range of AWS services. In this series, we discuss how to integrate Python Kafka producer and consumer apps in AWS Lambda with the Glue Schema Registry. In this post, the Kafka apps are deployed and their behaviour is discussed.