When operating in the cloud, it’s essential to ensure your resources are encrypted. This means that it’s usually a good idea to be informed if any of your resources have been intentionally or accidentally decrypted.
In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the process of setting up a Lambda function to detect your S3 bucket encryption on a 24-hour cycle. The subscriber would be informed if any buckets were discovered to be unencrypted.
- Install AWS CLI – https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html
- Install AWS SAM – https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/latest/developerguide/install-sam-cli.html
What is AWS SAM?
According to AWS:
“The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications. It provides shorthand syntax to express functions, APIs, databases, and event source mappings. With just a few lines per resource, you can define the application you want and model it using YAML. During deployment, SAM transforms and expands the SAM syntax into AWS CloudFormation syntax, enabling you to build serverless applications faster.”
At the root of the project folder, create a sam template file and name it template.yaml
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: ‘2010-09-09’ |
Create a folder in the same directory and name it unencrypted_aws_resources
As we are using Python as our runtime in sam template.yaml, let’s create app.py and requirements.txt files under unencrypted_aws_resources
import os |
boto3 |
Setup and Deployment Process
Step 1: Login to AWS Account
Get your AWS Credentials from your SSO Portal, then declare them in terminal.
Or, if you have SSO configured (export your AWS profile with the right profile):
Step 2: Update the Subscriber Details
To subscribe to the SNS Topic, make sure to update the endpoint in the template.yaml file found in the root of the project folder.
Step 3: Build the Application
Once you have installed AWS SAM CLI, you can run the command in the root of the project folder.
sam build — use-container
Once the application is built, run the below command to deploy the application.
sam deploy — guided
Follow the instruction on the screen to deploy.