Tag: Node.js

Introduction to Angular

In this blog, Rohith Poyyeri documents a step-by-step process of building a ToDo application from scratch, kick-starting your Angular developer journey.

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Yet another serverless solution for invoking AWS Lambda at a sub-minute frequency

Triggering a Lambda function by an EventBridge Events rule can be used as a serverless replacement of cron job. The highest frequency of it is one invocation per minute so that it cannot be used directly if you need to schedule a Lambda function more frequently. In this post, I’ll demonstrate another serverless solution of scheduling a Lambda function at a sub-minute frequency using Amazon SQS.

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Adding Authorization to a GraphQL API

Authorization is the mechanism that controls who can do what on which resource in an application and it is a critical part of an application. In this post, I’ll be illustrating how to set up authorization in a GraphQL API using a custom directive and Oso, an open-source authorization library.

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