Tag: Thought Leadership

Is There Such a Thing as too Much Automation

Automation is fantastic for many reasons – it saves time, reduces errors, and enables people to perform extremely complex tasks with little to no understanding of what is being done directly. But by automating everything are we setting ourselves up for disaster? What happens when something goes wrong and the people who built the automation have all left?

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Greenfields Tech Decisions

Trent Hornibrook gave a recent thought experiment talk at the Infracoders meet-up regarding the tech decisions one would make when running a starting a start-up

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Why?: The Forgotten Word of DevOps

From DevOpsDays 2016 our own Hannah Browne and Steve Mactaggart explore why we do what we do. We all know DevOps is not about the tools or the process, it’s about a deeper cultural movement. But all too often we think about what DevOps is, and miss the focus on Why we do it in the first place.

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